Instructor Bio-

Robyn Houston

About Your Instructor

Hi Mrs Houston.png

Hello Students!

It is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. I have been in the beauty industry since 1991. I have been teaching Cosmetology since 2002. I taught at Lawson State as well as Southeastern School of Cosmetology before being blessed with the opportunity of joining a team of amazing people here at Bevill State. It has truly been an honor to work here at Bevill State where we have the "BEST STUDENTS" on the planet. I'm looking forward to working with each of you this fall semester. 


Name: Robyn Houston
Phone(s): Office: 205-648-3271 ext. 5239      Cellular: 205 821-4116
Office Location: 1200 Building Room 114 (Inside the lab)


I would love for you to take the time and tell me a little about you!